Online Marketing Hustle Make Money Online Side Hustles Tue, 30 Nov 2021 21:30:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Online Marketing Hustle 32 32 The Loci Cycle Review Mon, 20 Sep 2021 23:59:32 +0000

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How To Do Affiliate Marketing To Make Money Mon, 22 Mar 2021 17:41:52 +0000

You have heard about it, seen videos about it in your Facebook feed, but what is it? And how to do affiliate marketing to make money online? Is it for real?



Affiliate marketing is the process of selling other people’s products or services.

Payment is on a commission split basis.

How Affiliate Marketing Works - OnlineMarketingHustle



Payment is rewarded when you send someone to the advertiser’s website.

Affiliate marketing commission models are:

  • Pay per sale or PPS. Where you earn a percentage of the sale made.
  • Pay per Click or PPC. Where you are paid on the number of visitors you send to the advertiser’s website. Regardless or not if they made a purchase.
  • Pay per Lead or PPL. When you are paid after the visitor completes an action on the advertiser’s website. This could be a form or subscription.


Depending on the type of industry you choose and also your visitor’s behavior, one of the above commission models will be more suitable for you.

Pay per click Pay per sale Pay per lead



Chose The Right Product To Promote

With the option of hundreds of thousands of products and services to choose from today, you can be sure that there is an affiliate program for it.

Affiliate Marketing Strategy - Online Marketing Hustle

The trick is to finding the one you would like to promote. Consider the following:

  • Your own skillset: I guarantee you that there is something that you know about, that other people want to know about too. If you have experience or knowledge about a certain topic, then you will be able to relay that to your website visitors. Adding credibility and creating a sense of trust to your potential customers. Of course, if you do not have this, that’s no problem at all and you can still do affiliate marketing. 
  • Have a passion for your product: Bear in mind when choosing your affiliate program that it will have to be about a subject that you love, that you are passionate about. If you try to write about a subject that does not move you, then your visitors will feel that. On the other hand if it’s a subject that you are really into, your visitors will definitely resonate with your message. You will also be spending a lot of your time with your new business, so you want to make sure it really is something you love!
  • Fish out your niche:  What you think of as ‘obscure’ will actually find your perfect customer and they will be more willing to make a purchase from you. If you choose a more ‘general’ affiliate product or service to promote, you will end competing too much with others.  Fish out a specific niche and it will be easier to sell to.

And, as equally important as all the above put together…

  • How much money does your niche have to spend? It takes just as much work to create a sales process for a product that gives you $10 commission as it does to make one for a product that pays $100 or $1,000 commission. Check how deep your target audience’s pockets are and how much demand there will be for your niche product. 

Sign Up To An Affiliate Network

Choose Affiliate Network - Online Marketing Hustle

Knowing how to do affiliate marketing to make money along with choosing the right product from the hundreds of affiliate marketing networks available to you will get you making money at home faster. Some networks are better than others. Here are a few of the major ones:

  • Click Bank –
  • Commission Junction –
  • Share A Sale –
  • JV Zoo –


Take your time to look through each of them. Consider the amount of commission percentage you will receive and also the commission model, whether that be PPS, PPC or PPL.

Some affiliate networks may be more relevant to you than others, depending on the niche you have chosen.

Once you have applied to your affiliate network and have been accepted, they will issue you with a unique affiliate link. This is a URL that you will add to your website or blog that will track your potential customer as they visit the advertiser’s site and make a purchase.


Generate Traffic To Your Website Or Blog

Steps 1 to 3 above were the easy part. The next step on how to do affiliate marketing to make money is generating traffic to your site is where the long haul comes in. With continued effort, over time you will start to grow your audience and in turn, produce sales that lead to a passive income.

How To Generate Traffic - Online Marketing Hustle

These are the best ways to get traffic:

  • Search Engine Optimisation. Or SEO, is the ability to make your website rank high in the Google search results. The higher your website ranking the more visits your site will get. If your product or service is in a niche subject, it will be easier for you to get to the higher ranking pages.
  • Social Media Marketing. Social media is everywhere and you can publish your content for free and also buy traffic.


Affiliate marketing is not difficult, its a matter of following the correct steps and with an investment in your time, a very small budget and a determined attitude, give it at least three to six months, you will see results. When results starting coming, you will be unstoppable and on track to building a passive income.

>> If you still need to setup a blog, you can get started with Bluehost for $3.95/month (63% off). << 


Creating a website or blog these days is very easy.  There are ways to maximize every single visitor to your site.

I go through that with you in detail and step by step where I show you How To Blog For Money.


6 Best Online Side Hustles Mon, 22 Mar 2021 16:35:11 +0000

“Side Hustle”, according to the Cambridge Dictionary is “a piece of work or a job that you get paid for doing in addition to doing your main job”.

Forbes Side Hustle - Online Marketing Hustle

For those of you who are looking to make extra money, that could mean anything from dog walking to becoming an “Instagram Influencer”.

Not every side hustle is worth your time and effort though. It all depends on what resources you have to hand and what skills you have to offer. Here, we will go into the best online side hustles to help you make money online. Who doesn’t need help with extra income!?


SEO Clerks - Online Marketing Hustle

SEOClerks is a marketplace originally designed for SEO services. Since the inception of SEOClerks, they’ve expanded beyond SEO offering a Want to Buy and Want to Trade section where users can ask for anything. The platform is built by community suggestions where users express wants and needs.

It takes 1 minute or less to open an account and if you want to make money online with SEOClerks, you can withdraw your earnings through Paypal or Payoneer.



BEST ONLINE SIDE HUSTLES #2 – Affiliate Marketing or Blogging

Affiliate Marketing 101 - Online Marketing Hustle

Affiliate marketing and Blogging is the best online side hustle opportunity on the internet for someone ready to earn money at home and also dedicate the time without a major financial startup cost.

Promoting affiliate marketing programs is extremely simple and available to absolutely anyone, all over the world. You just need a computer and an internet connection to create a passive income online.

With the choice of hundreds of programs to decide from, the more specific your niche, the better.

Once you have chosen your niche, the next step would be to set up your website or blog, figure out how to get traffic to your blog.

It’s a lot easier than people think but you do have to invest in the time to start making money. After that, there is no limit to how much you can earn.

BEST ONLINE SIDE HUSTLES #2 – Affiliate Marketing or Blogging

>> If you want to know more about Affiliate Marketing 101 – check out my post here for the best online side hustles that can give you a passive income.<<


Teacheable - Online Marketing Hustle

Attract students and sell your online courses. Teachable is a platform where you can create your own online course in any subject ranging from Art, Health, Academics, Business and Niche topics too. With your experience and skills, you can create a course, share your knowledge and be rewarded for it.

You can easily upload videos, audios, presentations, images and text. Create your own brand and tailor the look and feel of your school. Build a vibrant community within the commenting and email system. There’s also a wide variety of marketing tools such as coupons and promotions, advanced pricing options, customizable sales pages and even your own affiliate program.

Launch your course and accept payments and enrollments instantly via Stripe Connect credit card processing or PayPal. You can get started for free!



BEST ONLINE SIDE HUSTLES #4 – Teaching English

English First - Online Marketing Hustle

EF Education First is an online teaching platform where you can earn money tutoring students. It’s flexible, there’s a high demand, it pays pretty well, and almost anyone can do it.

The requirements are that you have a bachelor’s degree or higher, it doesn’t matter what area you are in, just as long as you are a native English Speaker, and you live in the United States. You will also have to submit a secure online background check but EF Education First will pay for this. You’ll also need a computer, headset, and a good internet connection since you’ll be teaching using video on your computer. Previous teaching experience is a plus, but not required. They prefer life experience!

The classes are in 30 minute blocks and the amount of money you can earn teaching English online will vary, but it’s usually between $14 to $22 per hour.



BEST ONLINE SIDE HUSTLES #5 – Rakuten Cashback

Rakuten Cashback - Online Marketing Hustle

Since starting in 1997 Rakuten, formerly Ebates offers you up to 40% cashback, deals and shopping rewards on the largest selection of household named products and services. They currently have over 12 million members in the US and over 2,500 stores to choose from.

Earn cash back at your favorite stores buy following the store links on their website. Your account is then credited once your order is reported.

Payout is every quarter by check or through your Paypal account. New members receive an extra $10 bonus if your first order is $25 or over within 90 days of becoming a member.




Fiverr Side Hustle - Online Marketing

Fiverr’s growth has shot up enormously since its inception in February 2010. They provide a platform for freelancers to offer their services to customers worldwide.

Services offered have a starting rate of $5, hence the name, BUT it does not stop there. You don’t have to feel undervalued because there is the option to add on ‘extras’ to your gig, making it worthwhile in the end. A listing on Fiverr is called a ‘gig’ and there are over 100,000 sellers offering millions of different gigs.

Fiverr Gig Categories include:

• Business
• Digital Marketing
• Graphics & Design
• Lifestyle
• Music & Audio
• Programming & Tech
• Video & Animation
• Writing & Translation

… plus all their respective subcategories. So you can be sure to find a market to place yourself.


What Is A Squeeze Page? Do I Need One? Fri, 19 Mar 2021 22:44:04 +0000

What Is A Squeeze Page or Landing Page?

For affiliate marketers a squeeze page or landing page is very important and it’s purpose is to ‘squeeze’ your website visitor’s email address from them, in exchange for you offering them something valuable. 

Their email address goes onto a subscriber list and you can email and stay in contact with them, keep them up to date, or market your products to them to encourage them be become a loyal customer. 

Let’s take a closer look at the differences between a squeeze page a home page.

The Squeeze Page or Opti-in Page

A squeeze page’s is purpose is to fulfill one or more of your conversion goals as opposed to your home page, which is the main page of your website where products and services are presented along with menus on how to access them. 
Squeeze pages can also appear on home pages in the form of popups.

What separates the squeeze page from the home page is the function of the squeeze page is always the same, to capture your visitor’s name and email address. You can of course collect more information such as name or telephone number or address. However, depending on your market, people are less likely to complete your opt-in form the more information you ask of them. Keeping it to just an email, is usually sufficient for affiliate marketers.

How will you entice visitors to give you their email address?
Here is one of my own landing pages…

Optin Form Sales Funnels- Online Marketing Hustle

As you can see, I show an image of an ebook which is the Lead Magnet or Hook. This is packed with valuable information about ‘Affiliate Marketing and How To Turn Product Recommendations Into A Passive Income’, but yours can be any digital asset relating to your niche. For example if you are in the dog training niche, your digital hook could be ’10 Most Effective Tips To Get Rover To Sit’, or something to that effect. There is also some compelling headline, text, the form itself, and a CTA or ‘Call To Action’ button.

Email Autoreponder Service

Once they fill in your form, their information is stored in the database of an Email Autoresponder Service. From there you will be able to send your scheduled emails that you have created in advance, and the software sends at specific times according to how you program them.

One of the most popular and easy to use email autoreponder services is GetResponse.

Affiliate Sales Page

In addition to using a squeeze page as a way to collect an email address, you can also use it as a Sales Page to sell your affiliate product or services.


Visually, they appear in the form of a long-form sales page. Your prospect will find all the information they need to decide if they are buying your product all on one page. It will include headlines, text, videos, testimonials, and a variety of CTA buttons to make their purchase.

There are no headers, top or bottom menus and the viewer’s attention is laser focused.

Sales Funnel Pages

Another way to use a squeeze page is in a Sales Funnel. This is when the visitor is sent to a sequential page where they can be offered upsells or down-sells.

Sales Funnels can be simple or they can be intricate depending on your product or service, and how many products you have to offer.

Once you have identifying your prospect’s problem, you can offer content that will be of value to them as they are drawn through your sales funnel.  

Once a prospect ‘knows you’ and has become familiar with the quality of products, information and services you offer, there will be an element of trust built. This way you will have a higher sales conversion rate when offering higher-ticket or subscription-based products.

Bridge Pages

A Bridge Page on your site, gives you an opportunity to collect your prospects’ email before sending them off to your affiliate offer. This way, if they decided not to purchase your affiliate offer, you will not have lost them to the universe for ever.

Bridge Pages - Online Marketing Hustle

Warning: Bridge Pages

There was a time when the internet was just one flashy ad and spammy popup after the other, until Google changed their policies in order to give the user a more high-quality experience. This meant that Google AdWords no longer accepted Bridge Pages and you could no longer pay for traffic to go to your affiliate links.

There are also some affiliate networks that do not allow Bridge Pages, so double check with them before spending the time creating one to promote a particular product.

Although Bridge Pages are still widely used, most search engines will not accept them for ranking. So how exactly do you do affiliate marketing without being considered a spammer?

Have unique quality content and articles on your site aimed at Informing rather than Selling, with a word count of at least 500 words. Don’t pack the page out with ads, keep them subtle. If your viewers are engaged with your quality content, they will naturally gravitate towards your relevant offerings. This way you will be able to have your pages ranked on search engines and be permitted to use Google AdWords PPC.

Sales Funnel Software

If you wish to utilise sales funnels into your website quickly and easily, Clickfunnels will do the job. From a simple funnel to a complex one, Clickfunnels will create landing pages, sales pages, upsell pages, with a user friendly interface that allows you to create stunning and effective results without prior experience. They know exactly which details to perfect such as, which colour scheme to use, CTA placements, and they are all built for optimal results. This extends to follow-ups to recover any abandoned clients.

Everything you need in one software to market, sell and deliver your products and services online. All without having to hire or reply on a tech team.

I wrote a review about Clickfunnels which you can read here.

Best Digital Marketing Tools Wed, 24 Feb 2021 23:22:02 +0000

Here is my list of the best digital marketing tools online. I personally use these to grow my online marketing business and I highly recommend them.



Every website needs a home and that’s where Bluehost comes in.  This website you are viewing right now is hosted with the best hosting company out there.

Included in your sign up is a free domain name, free SSL, and a great support team. They have a simple one-click WordPress install option making it easy for you get your website up and running and they power over 2 million websites.

With this special deal, it’s just $3.95/month to run your online website and they have a 30-day money-back guarantee.

Claim your number 1 Bluehost web hosting deal here.

List Building Program


An important part of making your online business successful is obtaining the email address of people who have expressed an interest when visiting your site. You can stay in contact with them and promote your products and services and your email list will continue to earn you money.

Get Response makes it easy for you to take control and set your email marketing on automatic. Easy to set up, easy to run, easy to earn.

Try Get Response free for 30 days.

Click Funnels - Online Marketing Hustle


Sales funnels help you maximize the attention of your customer and Clickfunnels helps you build smart sales funnels! With the click of a button, you can instantly create dozens of different types of sales funnels, including opt-in funnels, sales funnels, webinar funnels, membership sites, and more! It collects your email leads and automates the entires sales process for you. There is a lot offered with this software all from within a single dashboard.
Try it out Free For 14 Days.

VirtualShield VPN Logo - Online Marketing HustleVIRTUALSHIELD VPN SECURITY

The best VPN can help secure your web traffic against snoops, spies, and anyone else who wants to steal or monetize your data.

If you are working from home and have an online business and want to enhance your security by protecting yourself, then I recommend VIRTUALSHIELD.

Surf the web without being traced, circle censorship filters, make any internet connection secure, back up and encrypt every file. There are multiple subscription plans and add-ons for both personal and business use.

With an easy to use interface, VirtualShield VPN has servers in over 10 countries, including the United States, Canada, France, the Netherlands, India, the United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, and Singapore. Multiple server locations are available in certain countries.

Available for Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android, and does not support router integration. VirtualShield respects your privacy and does not keep any logs of VPN usage.

TRY VIRTUALSHIELD – it’s completely FREE for 30 days.

How To Blog For Money Sat, 06 Feb 2021 02:09:47 +0000


Are you trying to figure out how to blog for money or thinking “What can I blog about?”

Are you ready to take on the blogging marathon and learn how to blog for money? It takes a certain about of commitment but if you stick with it, you will find that unlike a regular job, there’s no limit to the amount of residual income you can earn with your own blog.

If this is the first time you are building a blog and you want to take this side hustle seriously to earn some more money, you can earn an extra income making money from home. Pay off those credit cards, your college loan, or any of your debts by starting a blog. It won’t happen overnight, but if you are methodical, motivated in learning how to blog for money and treat your blog like a business, rather than a hobby, along with following the steps I lay out below, your chances for success are a lot higher.

Affiliate marketing is estimated to grow at an annual rate of over 10% through 2020 growing in revenue to $6.8 billion by 2021 according to Forrester Consulting.

Blogging is low-risk and does not have to cost a lot to get started. Typically, your initial out of pocket expenses can be as little as $10 per month. You’ll want to invest more, as you see your blog grow, but considering the investment and the potential for passive income, it’s perfect for anyone who wants to earn money at home with their side hustle. Invest your time upfront and you’ll be creating a passive income stream for yourself to reap the benefits of later. Once you start seeing results you will be inspired to dedicate more time and resources, which in turn will increase your monthly income even more.

You’ll want to write about a solution to your audience’s problem. One that they are willing to hand over their hard-earned money for. If you are satisfying that issue and offering real value, you will be successful.



Selecting a web host is the first step in your blog journey. There are free hosting companies available, but I would recommend you taking a paid hosting plan right at the start. There is nothing worse than spending all your time and effort and then very quickly finding that you have outgrown your free host and have to upgrade to a paid plan.

Bluehost is a very popular hosting service that is reliable, plus as a new blogger, they have a great starter plan. This site that you see now, along with my other websites are hosted on Bluehost.

They also have great customer service where you can contact them via chat or just call into their 24/7 customer service line with any queries you may have.

>> Use this link and for just $3.95 per month you can sign up for your Bluehost account and easily start your own blog. <<

Choosing a hosting company - Online Marketing Hustle



Choosing A Niche - Online Marketing Hustle

Most people would start by recommending that you find a niche that you are passionate about. This is true, but you’ll need to consider a few more important details if you expect your blog to make you at least a comfortable living earning extra money.

It may be its something you have learned in formal education, environment, or have a natural gift or talent for. Maybe you don’t even know you have it or value it! Believe me, there is going to be one thing that you know, that other people want to know too.

If it’s a subject that you enjoy, it’s going to be a lot easier to create content for it, you will not get bored and you are less likely to give up and lose interest in the long run.

Focus on a specific problem your readers have and remember, when learning how to blog for money, blogs that do not have a specific audience, will not make money.

It’s not about appealing to the masses, but honing in on your exact audience.

  • When someone clicks on your website, it needs to be immediately evident what your blog is all about.
  • It’s a lot easier to provide content for your audience when you know exactly who they are.
  • With a niche blog, it will help you to build an engaging and loyal audience.

If you choose a non-lucrative niche, your ‘passion’ will fast run out, along with your cash and very soon and you will give up.



Your Audiences Budget - Online Marketing Hustle

How to blog for money and make sure it is a profitable niche. Once you have identified the ‘problem’, how much is your audience willing to spend on the ‘solution’. Are you giving them an offer they can’t refuse? And how deep are their pockets?

If you can pivot your target niche to be able to extend your audience and your offer to businesses, then we are talking a whole new ball game.

Businesses have a lot more finances available to spend than individuals, who are likely to be earning an ‘average salary’.

Once you have extended your audience reach to include businesses, you can offer them consultancy services and your sales funnel will not die out after your final offer.

Where previously your sales funnel may have looked something like this:

  • Decent content
  • Freebie
  • Affiliate marketing offer
  • Your own big course offer

By pivoting your niche to included businesses, you can now add on:

  • Consultancy Fee big offer (B2B)



You’ll want to make sure that your niche is something that people are really looking for and that your potential customers are will to pay for the value that you are offering them. It takes just as much work to set up a sale for a product that costs $10 as it does for a product that costs $100, or even $1,000.

Once you have identified the niche that motivates your passions, and the audience that has the most spending power, you’ll want to treat your blog like you would a business and ask yourself the following question:

Who are my competition and what are they doing?

The presence of competition is not necessarily a bad sign. It indicates that there is a demand for your niche.

Do a Google search for “(your niche idea) blog” and check out what your competition is doing.

  • What are the products they are promoting?
  • What products exist in their sales funnel?
  • From the freebie giveaway right through to the final affiliate offer. Do they display ads on their website?
  • Are they offering any consultancy service for businesses?
  • How can you set yourself apart from them and offer something different and more unique?
  • Are there some gaps in the market that are waiting for you to fill them?


Moving on, here is how to avoid a non-lucrative niche and stay away from targeting low volume audiences.

Use a keyword research tool like ‘Ahref’ or ‘SEMRush’. If you are just starting, ‘Google Keyword Planner’ is free.

Remember that when someone does a search for “product name review” they are mentally already in buying mode. You can also try putting in front the word “best” or “top” in front of your keyword idea.

Enter in your chosen keywords for analysis and see which words and keyword phrases are suggested.

Narrow down the suggestions by:

  • Monthly search volume
  • Competition level
  • Suggested bid

For the monthly search volume, stick to between 1k and 10K per month. Any less than this is likely to mean there is not much of an interest for it. Any more, and its likely going to be difficult rank for in the search results.

For the competition level, stay between low to medium. While this tells you how competitive the word or phrase is in AdWords (the paid advertising option for Google), it will still give you a general idea of the organic competition levels.

In the suggested bid column, the higher the bid amount often indicates the commercial demand. So, higher bids mean people are willing to pay to get the ranking placement and therefore they are making more than that for those keywords.

Keyword Research - Online Marketing Hustle



Brandon Gaille did a thorough comparison of the most profitable blogs. He divided four distinct blogging income brackets to study. They include:

  • Hobby income level – blogs that earn $0 – $2,000 per month
  • Lower income level – blogs that earn $2k – $7,500 per month
  • Middle income level – blogs that earn $7,500 – $25,000 per month
  • Upper income level – blogs that earn $25,000+ per month

Most profitable blogs - Online Marketing Hustle

Bloggers at the hobby income level were making just a few hundred dollars per month and did not offer enough information to be analysed as they did not treat their blog as a business. Statistics were considered only from the lower-income level of $2,000 per month and upwards.

The blogging niches that made the most money fell in the following categories:

Mommy – This was any blog that had the term ‘mom’ in the title and had a collective theme of mom-related topics.

Marketing – This was any blog with a focus on business and marketing topics that include SEO, blogging, social media marketing, and small business.

Lifestyle – This was made up of a variety of interests about everyday lives and may have a secondary interest such as fitness, fashion, journaling, or sewing.

For Food, Travel and Personal Finance niches, these are self-explanatory.

Which blogging niche is the most lucrative?

Here is the percentage of bloggers by niche in the lower income level at $2,000+ per month:

  • 24% Personal Finance
  • 21% Marketing
  • 17% Food
  • 15% Lifestyle
  • 12% Mommy
  • 11% Travel

Blogging niche that makes the most money - Online Marketing Hustle


Here are the average monthly earnings across each niche for the lower income level at $2,000+:

  • Food – $9,169 per month
  • Personal Finance – $9,100 per month
  • Lifestyle – $5,199 per month
  • Mommy – $5,150 per month
  • Travel – $5,000 per month
  • Marketing – $4,269 per month

Blogging niche that make money - Online Marketing Hustle


Overall, when applying the equation across all four incomes levels and the results look like this:


Most profitable blog topics - Online Marketing Hustle


The Personal Finance and Food niches came in as the clear winners, but it was interesting to note that the Marketing niche was quick to gain ground in the lower income level, but struggled to make it into the higher income brackets.

That does not mean you should rush out and choose personal finance or the food niches as subjects for your next blog, but choose according to what you are genuinely passionate about, have expertise in, and that there is a considerable market for.



As I previously mentioned, it takes just as much effort to make a $10 sale as it does a $100 sale. There’s one more addition to that. If the affiliate program you are spending time and effort to market offers just a one-off sale, then you have to start the whole process again to get a new sale.

Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) comes from programs that offer a subscription-based membership.  SaaS or Software As A Service is a rapidly growing industry expected to reach $132 billion by 2020 according to Statistica.

Size of cloud based market - Online Marketing Hustle

Companies that offer SaaS make it easy for affiliates as they usually offer a free trial version of their product that encourages customers to sign up. As an affiliate, it’s a lot easier to get your site visitor to sign up for a free trial than to ask them to pay for the product in full, and upfront. Your customer also has the opportunity to make sure that they like the product without the financial commitment and will stay for as long as they are happy. It’s a win-win for everyone.

So look for products in your chosen niche that offer monthly memberships and for the lifetime of the customer, you will receive recurring commissions without having to bring new customers every month.


Choosing Your Domain Name - Online Marketing Hustle

Finding a suitable domain name that is available today may be a little daunting as most of the ‘best’ domain names have already been taken. Some even resell domain names for higher prices on the second-hand premium domain market. If you are not willing to spend money more for a premium rate domain name, try to stick with the one that is no more than three words.


>> For just $3.95 per month you can sign up for your Bluehost account and easily start your own blog that includes a free domain name. <<


You’ll also want to consider Top Level Domains such as .com, .net, .org. as these are the most popular and often ranked higher by search engines than other domain extensions.

Your domain name checklist should include:

  • Stick to com, .net, .org domain extensions.
  • Make it memorable.
  • Use keywords in your domain.
  • The shorter the better.

If you have already purchased a domain name from another registrar, you’ll need to point it at your Bluehost account. When considering your domain name, you’ll also want to check its availability across the social media accounts so that you can maintain consistency with your brand throughout your journey of how to blog for money.


Here is a handy tool that does that for you:

CheckUserNames - Online Marketing Hustle



There are many different Content Management Systems available, but the most popular and most flexible to use is WordPress. You can install WordPress with a click of a button from within your Bluehost account and your site will be set to grow with you for years to come.

Bluehost Install WordPress - Online Marketing Hustle


There are thousands of WordPress themes to choose from, with all kinds of functionalities and looks on offer. The free ones lack features, flexibility, and customization. The paid ones can offer the specific features you are looking for, but the downside is that they can often be bulky and slow loading which can affect your search engine ranking position.

If you are just starting, go with a free one, but do make sure it is ‘Responsive’. You can always upgrade later by purchasing one of the premium WordPress themes that will help you stand out from the crowd.



Having too many WordPress plugins installed on your site will make it bulky and slow it down. There are however a few essential plugins that I would recommend:

  1. iThemes Security
  2. Wordfence Security
  3. Imagify – Image size reducer
  4. Pretty Links – URL shrinker
  5. Rank Math SEO
  6. Contact Form



Most small business websites should follow a set of standard and general pages which include the following:

About – People like to do business with people. Knowing that there is a face behind a business can be comforting. It should give a brief summary of who you are, what your company’s mission is, and what sets you apart from the rest.

Contact – This page should show people how they can get in contact with you, your social media accounts. It should probably have a contact form for spam prevention purposes.

Privacy Policy – Let visitors know how any information they give you will be handled and if personal information and data collected through cookies and emails etc. will be shared with third parties. You must strictly adhere to your privacy policy.

Terms & Conditions – Similar to your privacy policy, this page will set out the ‘rules’ to which your website visitor must agree to abide by to use your website. For example, the country’s laws that govern the agreement, an intellectual property disclose that states that your website is protected by copyright laws, and that you are not responsible for third party links from your website.

Sitemap – These come in two formats. XML and HTML. They help the search engine robots crawl your site and index your pages. They should be located in the footer of all your pages.

Page Not Found page – When a visitor comes to your site and lands on a page that no longer exists, they will be met with a “404 error” page.  This page is customizable and you can direct your site visitor to go to a different location.

Congratulations! You have learned how to blog for money and are now ready to write your first blog post!

What is Clickfunnels? How does it work? Wed, 13 Jan 2021 18:49:02 +0000

When running an online business it is usually challenging to covert your page visits into sales and earn some profit. What is Clickfunnels and how does it work? So, if you want to increase the value of every customer that you sell to, here is a product that should be in your toolbox – a sales funnel. In this article, we will look at one of the software that you can use to build sales funnels for your business, ClickFunnels, so keep reading for a ClickFunnels review about if it is worth it to have in your tool kit in 2020.

You can double or even triple your sales and provide more value to your customers when you have properly designed funnels. Sales funnels help you collect leads easily and sell your products to consumers.

It also comes with a lot of hype but in this ClickFunnels review, we explore what it is, how it can help your business, the pros, the cons, the pricing plans, and all the information that you need to know before trying it out. I will then give you my final thoughts regarding this sales funnel builder.


ClickFunnels is a software for creating sales funnels that was built in 2018. It was designed and created by businessman Russel Brunson and his team and has, over the years, managed to amass a lot of members. With a yearly return of over $100 million, ClicksFunnels hit a membership of over 125000 by July 2020. It can be used to build several marketing items such as landing pages, squeeze pages, webinars, membership sites, and all sales funnels.

What is Clickfunnels? Online Marketing Hustle

The platinum package (which we will look at) allows you to build your affiliate program and even replace your e-mail service with adequately built follow-up funnels. You will, therefore, access everything that you need for your online venture easily without writing codes. ClickFunnels has been a successful venture with a record of 700 entrepreneurs who have managed to create million-dollar generating funnels.


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Dotcom Secrets: CLICK HERE

Expert Secrets: CLICK HERE

ClickFunnels PROS

What is ClickFunnels features? You will find that it is pretty resourceful. Let’s take a look at these:

Funnel Template Blueprint

This is by far the best feature of this sales funnel builder. ClickFunnels allows you to create sales funnels easily without requiring any technological know-how or prior experience. The creator, Russel, identified twenty-two different types of sales funnels that made his businesses successful. He then divided these into lead capture funnels, sales page funnels, and event funnels, each targeting a specific region of sales. You can also create your own funnels, such as the membership funnels and any other that comes to mind.

Funnels such as the squeeze page funnels collect the visitor’s email address and send them a thank you note when they sign up. Users also get more sophisticated funnels such as the 2-step Tripwire funnel, which sells your tripwire before upselling it to your relatively expensive products. This funnel uses Order Form Bumps and One Click Upsells or Downsells.

All the funnels in this software come with unique sets of free and paid templates that will help you achieve a professional and well-designed look in all your funnels.

Creating Your Own Funnel

What is Clickfunnels? You need to know how to create the best funnel for your business. First, you will have to choose a funnel type from the many options available and then select a template. You will customize every page of the template to fall in line with your business and then add your products before setting p your email and payment integrations. The next step is to give your new funnel a domain name before saving it. You can then start sending traffic to your funnel.

Clickfunnels Build A Funnel - Online Marketing Hustle

Amazing Drag And Drop Editor

What is Clickfunnels editor all about? Clickfunnels has the best editor that allows you to customize each of the sales pages to fit your business. The sections can carry any number of rows and columns that are used to layout the pages. You only need your mouse or touchpad to sort out the elements and give the page a look it deserves. You will be a little disappointed if you expect the Instapage’s landing text editor, which is usually more flexible. All in all, it is good enough to give you any design of your choice.

It is easy to use and sorting out elements, or dragging them as you put them in the right places can be done in a whisk. You can exit the text elements in line and even modify any of the elements using the fly-out sidebar. This editor is also well organized with everything in place, which will save you time and effort. Because of its design, you won’t need any coding knowledge. You can, therefore, save yourself the rush of learning JavaScript or HTML.

Clickfunnels Drag & Drop Editor - Online Marketing Hustle


Great Selection Of Page Elements

What is Clickfunnels? You won’t customize your page to fit your business if you do not have several page elements or widgets. Fortunately, you get a large variety with ClickFunnels. Some common elements include a headline, image, text, button, input form, and video widgets.

Sophisticated elements include:

  • SMS Signup
  • Surveys Pricing Tables
  • Progress bars
  • Facebook Comments
  • FAQ blocks
  • Countdown Timers
  • and custom HTML


You will also get diverse elements such as membership elements in case you intend to create membership pages.

You can, therefore, easily change the background colors, margins, fonts, and alignment. Members also get the image URL, which supports the image element and the button text of your button.

You Get The ClickFunnels Affiliate Program

What is Clickfunnels affiliate program? With Clickfunnels, you are paid up to 40% recurring commission! You can sell the books, memberships, or even the challenges. If you sign up for the One Funnel Away Challenge,  you will be shown how to be a profitable affiliate within one month.

Clickfunnels Affiliate Program Commission - Online Marketing Hustle

Funnel Flix And Other Learning Training Programs

What is Clickfunnels? This ClickFunnels review cannot be complete without talking about the Funnel flix. This is an in-built training library that members find really useful. It, therefore, helps you level up yourself as a marketer by exposing you to as many resources as possible. You will get other beneficial content: 30 days book videos, affiliate Bootcamp, funnel builder secrets, product secrets, funnel university, and Funnel Flix. Other training modules include Ad Skills, which will help you learn paid traffic strategies that you can use to boost sales.

In case you find this too good to be true, register with ClickFunnels, and experience all these for free in the trial period. The incorporation of Funnel Flix in this sales funnels builder gives in an edge over all the other competitors.

All In One System

What is Clickfunnels system? ClickFunnels is an all-in-one system where you can build anything you need for your sales funnel. You can, therefore, create your landing pages, shopping cart, sales, and even member content all in one place. You don’t have to incorporate several pieces of software to develop promotional materials for your business to increase your sales. You don’t also need any technical know-how, which is a pretty big advantage. Creating everything that you need in one place is an advantage that you should not miss.

Step By Step Plan

What is the ClickFunnels development plan? The funnel development plan will guide you if you want a well laid out plan for your sales funnels. Members get a step-by-step funnel flow to follow, which is easy and pretty straightforward.


ClickFunnels CONS

What is Clickfunnels cons? There are also several shortcomings in the ClickFunnels builder that you will spot. Let’s take a look at these:

Adding A Funnel Can Be Slow

Even with the amazing text editor, adding funnels is a pretty slow procedure. You have to wait before your funnel type and template are added to your account, which can be really annoying. Waiting for up to ten seconds for something that should occur instantaneously can be disappointing. This may seem like a minor thing, but it becomes inconveniencing when it keeps happening all the time.

There Is A Limit On The Funnels And Visitors

Unfortunately, the basic plan only limits you to 20 funnels, 100 pages, and 20000 visitors, which can be disappointing. This can stand in your way, especially if you need to realize higher sales conversions. These limits can be understandable if you are making the funnels for yourself but not when working for a client. It even worsens when working for multiple clients or promoting this software as an affiliate through the share funnels.

Building more funnels and unlocking a high visitor count will require you to upgrade to the Platinum plan.

No Blog Function

One would expect this site to have a blog function to help draw traffic. Unfortunately, ClickFunnels does not have any functionality that allows you to rank in Google through the formidable SEO-blogging.

It Could Be Intimidating

ClickFunnels has a learning curve that could be intimidating to some. This software can do a lot of things, however, do not freak out. ClickFunnels has invested in its learning materials to give you an easy time using the software for your online business promotion.

One Funnel Away 30 Day Challenge

ClickFunnels OFA Challenge - Online Marketing Hustle

What is Clickfunnels One Funnel Away Challenge? The One Funnel Away Challenge is a 30 day training program that will guide through each step to launch your first, or next funnel.

There are 5 weeks of lessons where you will receive daily lessons with links in your inbox. Each lesson builds upon each other so it’s very important that you go through them in order. And, there’s even homework to do to make sure you are applying what you learn.

You also get a big box of goodies, books, videos, mp3 player with the audios and trainings. Don’t think you can put this course aside and take your time, it forces you to take action.

You’ll need an hour per day, for 30 days straight, $100, and be committed to doing the work. So if you can keep the pace and are ready to take action, this course is for you!

The course self destructs in 30 days from the day you start it. So if you are a procrastinator, this will kick your butt.

Are you ready?

Event Title: 30 Days Summit
Price: FREE
30 Days Summit Tickets: Sign-up Here
Bonus: Yes

Free Books

The following books are jam-packed with information and he is offering them FREE, you just pay shipping. Check them out…

Dotcom Secrets – The Ultimate Guide To Sale Funnels

ClickFunnels Dotcom Secrets - Online Marketing Hustle

This book gives you actionable advice and techniques to successfully sell your product online or work with your business type. With it, you will discover all the strategies that you can apply to your selling point of view and business and how to structure your offers based on the value ladder.

Russell comprehensively explains all the strategies in a clear way, making it easy to read. These include:

  • Ladders and funnels
  • Communications funnel
  • Funnelology
  • Funnels and scripts


Product Name: Dotcom Secrets Book
Author: Russell Brunson
Niche: Internet Marketing/Business/Book
Level: All Levels
Price: FREE – just pay $9.95 for shipping (US) or $19.95 Internationally
Sales Page: CLICK HERE
Recommend: Highly Recommend

Expert Secrets

ClickFunnels Expert Secrets - Online Marketing Hustle

In this book Russell reveal what he has discovered after he has analysed over 6 million funnels and over 130,000 A/B split tests. Just makes a funnel successful, and what will make it even more successful.

Inside there are 19 different Expert Secrets that you will learn. Some of the chapters include:

  • Finding your voice
  • New Opportunity
  • The Four Score stories
  • Plugging Expert secrets into your value ladder


Product Name: Expert Secrets Book
Author: Russell Brunson
Niche: Internet Marketing/Business/Book
Level: All Levels
Price: FREE – just pay $9.95 for shipping (US) or $19.95 Internationally
Sales Page: CLICK HERE
Recommend: Highly Recommend

Traffic Secrets

ClickFunnels Traffic Secrets - Online Marketing Hustle

Two years in the making and knowing the quality of his standards, Russell Brunson’s Traffic Secrets tells you 20 of his best-kept secrets.

This book builds on the concepts taught in the previous DotcomSecrets and Expert Secrets, so it makes a great follow on for those who have already read those.

Traffic Secrets will reveal to you how to get your perfect lead, prospect, and future customers’ attention so you can direct them to your funnels.


The Basic Plan

The basic plan costs $97 monthly and comes with a number of features that are perfect as a start or small entrepreneur.

  • You can share the funnels you make with others,
  • Build up to twenty funnels
  • Create up to 100 pages
  • 1 user available at one time
  • 3 different payment gateways
  • Allow for 3 domains at once
  • Access to the Funnel Flix
  • Access to Chat Support


However, you won’t be eligible for weekly peer review hackathons and follow-up funnels, which is pretty understandable at its price range.

There are enough tools and information for you to gain from this plan that will help you enhance your business skills and marketing tactics even more.

Click here for the Clickfunnels Basic Plan

ClickFunnels Basic Plan Pricing - Online Marketing Hustle

The Platinum Plan

The platinum plan goes for $297 monthly and has a number of added features. Here, you will be able to:

  • Create unlimited funnels and share them with users
  • Create unlimited pages with each funnel, which is a big upgrade from the basic plan
  • Up to 3 simultaneous users
  • Nine payment gateways integration
  • Unlimited follow-up funnels
  • Priority chat support.
  • Members also qualify for weekly peer review hackathons
  • Funnel Flix with additional hours of training and courses
  • Access to the Funnel Hacker Forum.


This is the best plan in case you are working for other clients or a range of customers.

Click here for The Clickfunnels Platinum Plan


Clickfunnels Platinum Pricing - Online Marketing Hustle


So, what is Clickfunnels? ClickFunnels is one of the best software packages that you can get for your landing pages and funnels. Therefore, it is the right choice for everyone who would like to convert page visits into sales. It has a well-designed interface that members find useful. Also, everything else falls into place the moment you build a few funnels for yourself.

The books are also complete gems, also highly recommended. Let me know what you think in the comments below.
